With quantum computers set to break traditional encryption, you need to take measures to protect your data now. Harvest now, decrypt later (HNDL) attacks where cyber attackers collect and store encrypted data with the goal of decrypting it in the future using quantum computers is already happening.
Prepare for Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) by creating a trusted environment for your business to test PQC-ready encryption. The first available Thales PQC Starter Kit will help you prepare for quantum starting now.
The PQC kit consists of three trusted Thales High Speed Encryptors (HSE), with maintenance, support and remote management, transceivers and power cords as optional extras.
The HSEs will be usable in standard production environments after testing so normal discounting rules will be followed for partners, customers and not for resale (NFR) opportunities.
Quickly change protocols, keys,
and algorithms
React timely to cryptographic threats
Minimize disruption with
advanced technology
Date and Time of webinar
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Table Header | Table Header |
09:00 - 10:00 | Name of the event
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10:00 - 11:00 | Name of the event
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